"The world breaks every one and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry."
~ Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell To Arms

"Our lives disconnect and reconnect, we move on, and later we may touch one another, again bounce away. This is the felt shape of a human life, neither simply linear nor wholly disjunctive nor endlessly bifurcating, but rather this bouncey sequence of bumping into's and tumblings apart."
~ Salman Rushdie, The Ground Beneath Her Feet

Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Text Is Like A Body...

A text is like a body, a country, a language. You can know it on the surface, what you see at first, how it is first read.  There is the literal text/body that you see - yet, to see the literal is not to know the text/body. It must be explored and journeyed over and your heart must fall in love with it to know it fully. And still there is the punctuation of life that gives form to our stories, defining the parameters of our souls and existence.

The scent of a beautiful woman is sublime.

"Thou still unravish'd bride of quietness,
Thou foster-child of silence and slow time,
Sylvan historian, who canst thus express
A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme:
What leaf-fring'd legend haunt about thy shape
Of deities or mortals, or of both,
In Tempe or the dales of Arcady?
What men or gods are these? What maidens loth?
What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape?
What pipes and timbrels? What wild ecstasy?"
~ Keats, Ode To A Grecian Urn

"'Beauty is truth, truth beauty,' - that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know."
~ Keats, Ode To A Grecian Urn

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