"The world breaks every one and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry."
~ Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell To Arms

"Our lives disconnect and reconnect, we move on, and later we may touch one another, again bounce away. This is the felt shape of a human life, neither simply linear nor wholly disjunctive nor endlessly bifurcating, but rather this bouncey sequence of bumping into's and tumblings apart."
~ Salman Rushdie, The Ground Beneath Her Feet

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ode to the Hypocritical Smile...

Today I received this comment on a blog post about the book of Job:

“Wonder what would happen if you applied a different strategy to your healing? You've explored dwelling in pain and suffering--for much longer than anyone should. Perhaps you might consider taking the gratitude approach? Read: The Happiness Advantage, The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology that Fuel Success and Performance at Work. Completely applicable to daily life. Start dwelling in what is good with life. What is beautiful. Focus on passages of the bible that embrace the grace of happiness, books that focus on the true beauty of life--not the ugly side of humanity. Take baby steps toward making small improvements in your daily life. More walks with the dog. Volunteer. Find employment (part-time or whatever) that will give you a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. If you want it bad enough you will find a way, it IS that simple regardless of what you might be leading yourself to believe. And, yes, this comes from someone who has dealt with depression, who has pulled themselves up by the proverbial bootstraps and made it happen. It can be done, but YOU have to WANT IT.” ~ Anonymous
So I thought YA! I do WANT IT (whatever IT is) – I will do all these things I never thought of before. What have been thinking all this time well dwelling on pain and suffering - so much longer than anyone should (I hate shoulding on myself) oh well I guess I didn't know there was time limit on these things (wish my therapist would of told me).
It IS so simple – WOW – I never knew good using ALL CAPS makes me feel - better than Wellbutrin and Tequila!
I was so inspired I wrote a poem about it –hope you all like it – the new ME on my way with my baby steps to nirvana just like Curt Cobain (oops – bad example) – anyway here it is:

Ode to the Hypocritical Smile
I am sanguine
I am bliss
I am happiness
I am sunshine
I like fluffy bunnies
I am immune to pain I only get a sprain
I don’t read the Psalms
I wish David had Prosaic he was depressed way to long

I am smiles and grins and ice cream cones
I breathe levity
I am light and bright
I grin and giggle

I am sunshine on a cloudy day


I am your happiness
I am grateful for unicorns and clowns

I am credulity and believe everything happens per God’s plan
I give thanks in darkness
I have the answers
I don’t ask questions
I never doubt
I am certain of certainty
I am pop psychology ~ Jung’s a fraud
I am Job’s best friend

I smile while the stake burns
I discount Dostoevsky

I am literal
I see only the trees
I am right

I am strong
I am pulling myself up by my proverbial bootstraps for there is nothing wrong with me ~ I WANT IT!
I am a cup cake with strawberry frosting

I read only jolly rhyming poems ~ roses are red ~ violets are blue ~ I see only you…
I am for jelly beans
I am a rainbow tied with tinsel

I ignore the dark and it can’t see me
I am a disciple of Pangloss
I am the best in the best of all possible worlds

I am me ~ delightful and free #sixwords
I am happy feet when I cross the street
I am so many funny things
In my own little world
In delusions and illusions
In cosmic cannonballs


I am pink and never blue
I am true kitsch



  1. Am I understanding your reaction correctly to "anonymous's" comment above? Are you angry with him/her because she is trying to help you in what she sees as a positive, maybe useful way? Am I interpreting your poem correctly in that you seem angry in it, as you seem to be poking fun at this "advice" that you just don't want? I guess what I am asking is; why have you reacted so strongly? Or maybe i have misunderstood your reaction?

  2. The person who gave you such splendid advice must not have experienced severe depression, I am not sure they even experienced mild depression. The first thing I learned when dealing with someone with depression is "not telling them what to do but letting them know that you do not understand what the depressed person is going through but would like to help". The anonymous person might benefit greatly by reading what the experts have to say about depression. It is interesting to note that after heart disease, depression is the second disease suffered the most worldwide. All these people that have to "pull up their bootstraps"

  3. This is anonymous. Nice poem, great start! @Julie, exactly. @Anonymous and CAS (Chris' Angry Side): I have dwelled within deep depression to the point of wishing death upon myself daily for years. To the point of planning and carrying with me a bottle of pills that would so surely end it all when it was certain I could not go on. Have read the literature. Have understood the despair. Have wanted to change. Have pulled self up by bootstrap. Have made daily, if not hourly, minute-by-minute, second-by-second, effort to find gratitude. Say what you will, it can be done. I find the implication that I know not what I preach met with such venom bewlidering. It starts with gratitude. Find gratitude and you will find salvation. If you can't find gratitude in what you currently have find gratitude in what you had (I'll refrain from using all caps on "had" since that seemed to poke the bear for some unknown reason.) I'm not or wasn't trying to "help" or "fix" you. Merely offering another perspective that could potentially be explored. You didn't mention if you would consider reading said book, shall I take that as a no? It's a shame that you would violently reject it. Apparently focusing on gratitude isn't poetic or intellectual enough(?) It is your life, it is your decision. But, I am certainly not apologizing for suggesting a different approach.
